Social Emotional Skills

Daily Affirmations

“I am kind. I am smart. I can do hard things. I am enough. I am loved.”

Now more than ever, students in the elementary classroom need social emotional skills to be explicitly taught. I am a firm believer that our students learn more than standards from us, and that our actions can teach them healthy habits for life! Because I believe this, I think it is critical to use daily affirmations for students in the classroom.

So what are affirmations, anyways? Daily affirmations are simple statements that we repeat to ourselves over and over again. The more we say them, the more we believe them, and the more they can change our thought processes in positive and meaningful ways. It’s no secret that our words have power. Kind words can be so soothing to others, and recently I’ve been learning just how crucial it is to speak kindly to myself, too. Saying something like, “I am enough,” or, “I am loved,” repeatedly can completely increase our feelings of self worth. Those types of statements can change our mindsets and empower us to reach new potential-and that is a such a beautiful gift I want to pass on to my students!

In my classroom, reciting daily affirmations looks like repeating five positive statements chorally as a class. We say them as part of our morning meeting, and we’re adding movements to them, too. If you don’t do a morning meeting, I think it would be super easy to add daily affirmations in the classroom at the end of announcements or after bellwork as part of your transition into learning for the day.

Regardless of how and when you do affirmations with your students, I really believe they’ll make your classroom a positive place and instill self respect and self love in your kiddos! You might just find they change you as their teacher, too. After all, you’re just as worthy of love, just as smart, just as capable, and just as in need of a daily reminder of your awesomeness!

To get you started, follow this link to the poster I use in my room! It’s totally free, and if you like the concept but not my specific affirmations, the download includes a blank poster for you to fill out with your students! I hope it brings you and your students so much joy.

xo, Ty- One Blonde Teacher